Events Case
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2025 - 03 - 04
点击次数: 2
Recently, we successfully delivered a closed-loop low-temperature constant temperature system at a university in Northwest China. The device is exquisitely designed and exquisitely crafted, showcasing...
2025 - 01 - 24
点击次数: 6
Recently, a 3100 series vibration sample magnetometer was installed and debugged in XX city, Kazakhstan. Technical engineers went to the site and successfully passed the acceptance inspection. All ind...
2024 - 10 - 16
点击次数: 5
Recently, a well-known semiconductor enterprise officially introduced our independently developed VSM system, which combines many advantages such as uniform magnetic field, convenient sample change, a...
2019 - 04 - 30
点击次数: 62
Sumitomo heavy machinery cryogenic groupSumitomo group at low temperature, heavy machinery industry (including Japanese subsidiary - SHI - APD services) in the United States has designed and developed...
2023 - 10 - 18
点击次数: 35
Paragraf is the first company in the world to mass produce graphene-based electronic devices using standard semiconductors processes. Using our unique foundry capability, we bring to market differenti...
2019 - 04 - 30
点击次数: 77
HuntingtonHuntington offers a full range of ultra-high vacuum positioning and mobile devices, including manipulators, converters, and connectors. All models are available in manual, electric and pneum...
2019 - 04 - 30
点击次数: 37
NanoMagneticsNanoMagnetics Instrument Inc., founded in 1998, is a British high-tech company in Oxford. The company has been committed to the research and development of scanning probe microscopy (SPM)...
Contact information

Nanjing: 86-25-87100596

Beijing: 86-10-51668833



Building 11, Phase 3, Liandong U Valley, No. 7 tonglian Road, Jiangning District

案例名称: MEDA
说明: MEDAMEDA was founded in 1980 as a manufacturer of magnetic field measuring instruments and sensors. His fluxgate meter is an industry leader in the development of high sensitivity, precision and broadband performance in the frequency range of 0.1 hz to 200 KHZ. The representative products are FVM400 3d vector fluxgate meter and Mag series fluxgate meter to measure low frequency of weak magnetic field.
点击次数: 2019 - 04 - 30
点击次数: 41
案例名称: VAT
说明: VATSwiss VAT company was founded in 1964, is a leading company in the field of vacuum valves, specializing in vacuum valve technology, to provide the most varieties of vacuum valves in the world, products include: plug plate valve, butterfly valve, transfer valve, diaphragm valve, Angle valve, especially high sensitivity control valve. At the same time, we also work with customers to develop the future vacuum system.
点击次数: 2019 - 04 - 30
点击次数: 47
说明: Laboratorio elettrofisicoFounded in 1959, LE (which acquired WALKER and LDJ) specializes in providing customers with complete solutions for magnetic equipment and magnetic measuring equipment manufacturing. LE company's magnetizer and AMH series hysteresis loop meter enjoy high reputation in the world.
点击次数: 2019 - 04 - 30
点击次数: 70
说明: Magnetic InstrumentationAmerican MI company is a manufacturer of magnetizing equipment and magnetic material testing.
点击次数: 2019 - 04 - 30
点击次数: 64

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Address: 8B, Block A, Yard 6, Longxiang Plate Making Industrial Park, Huilongguan, Changping District, Beijing           TEL: 86-10-51668833 
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