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Building 11, Phase 3, Liandong U Valley, No. 7 tonglian Road, Jiangning District

时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
RIM Tach HS56.rar  SLIM Tach RL67北极星编码器  SLIM Tach RL67北极星编码器 ● 独特的机械设计,适用于Reliance 的RPM 电机 ● 坚固的零速磁阻传感技术,不受油脂、盐水、灰尘或其它常见污染物的影响详情请点击:SLIM Tach RL67.rar SLIM Tach SL56北极星编码器  SLIM Tach SL56北极星编码器 ● 外观薄而且紧凑,仅0.75' 厚 ● 安装至4.5' 56 C 端面的电机 ● 坚固可靠的磁阻传感器技术 ● 便于安装,无需支架或联轴器 ● 阳极氧化铝结构-不锈钢可选 ● 具有单端或双端传感器输出详情请点击:SLIM Tach SL56.rarSLIM Tach SL85北极星编码器  SLIM Tach SL85北极星编码器 ● 厚度仅1.250' ,可直接安装到8.5'(180C)表面电机...
产品名称: 脉冲分配器
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
SMARTach Models are the M285 in the Heavy Mill Duty Class and the M485 and M685 in the Severe Duty Class. ALL SMARTachs carry the CE label.PULSE GENERATOR SELECTIONThere are four basic factors that need to be considered when choosing a pulse generator: The duty class, mechanical mounting, sensor technology, and the electrical requirements. 1.ENVIRONMENTAL RATINGS Mill Duty (MD): For use in most industrial environments like paper, plastics, and metals. Not recommended for environments w...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
瓦里安公司生产的真空测量设备包括真空规和真空计,真空规主要有:531和536型热偶真空规,热传导真空规,525型冷阴极真空规,热阴极电离真空规,倒磁控管真空真空规,CT-100型Active低真空规,Eyesys ConvecTorrTM 型Active低真空规,Eyesys Mini-BA Active高真空规,Eyesys Mini-IMG Active高真空规,真空计主要有801型真空计和XGS-600真空计。一、真空规(1)531和536型热偶真空规:适合于连续和准确地测量绝对压力为1 x 10-3 torr 至2.0 torr 的真空度,二者均对安装取向没有选择性,而且对压力变化响应快速。(2)热传导真空规:能够准确测量真空度,也特别适合那些需要快速、重复性地从大气抽空的应用领域。热传导规管不同于常规的对流型规管,系统振动不会对它产生影响。可靠的设计使其能够在0。C 至50。C的范围内准确地读数。(3)525型冷阴极真空规:测量的真空度范围为 1X10-8 至1X10-2 torr,其测量值准确度高、重复性好、可靠性高。由于没有易烧毁的灯丝,突然暴露大气不会对该规造成任何的损...
产品名称: 瓦里安检漏仪
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
瓦里安公司有多款检漏仪供用户选择,主要有VS系列,947/948台式检漏仪,959型手动携式检漏仪,979型便携式检漏仪,990系统集成式检漏仪,PHD-4便携式检漏仪,Helitest吸枪专用便携式检漏仪。(1)VS 系列全自动氦质谱检漏仪VS系列全自动氦质谱检漏仪的显著优点:(1)操作简便:VS系列检漏仪结合简捷的双键操作功能及内置智能化系统为您提供简单但强大的测试性能。(2)功能强大:适用于各种检漏方法,优化设计的质谱室及真空系统功能强大,能适合各种检漏方法的要求,以满足各种各样的检漏应用。(3)配置齐全:多种系统配置,多种可选件,可以灵活地组成各种各样的系统配置。(4)坚固耐用:在坚固耐用方面的革新设计,使得VS系列检漏仪能适应各种恶劣的工业环境。VS 系列主要技术参数配有不同的前级泵的检漏仪型号  PR02 便携式 DS-42 油泵内置  MR15 可移动式 DS-302 油泵外置式  MD30 可移动式 TS-620 干式外置式  BR15 台式固定 DS-302 油泵外置式 ...
产品名称: 扩散泵
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
油扩散泵是获得高真空的主要设备,被广泛用于真空冶炼、真空镀膜、原子能、空间模拟试验和对油污染不敏感的真空系统中。Varian公司作为全世界范围内领先的扩散泵供应商,为客户提供口径从2英寸到35英寸范围内各种扩散泵,是美国唯一的一个全系列的扩散泵供应商。产品具有大抽速,高排气量等特点。 适用于真空度在10-1~10-8mbar之间。特点:Ø    大抽速、大抽气量Ø    抗辐射、抗氧化、快速循环.抗爆炸.Ø    高前级耐压Ø    高极限真空度Ø    返油量极低Ø    超常的使用寿命扩散泵(AX,HS,VHS,NHS型号)参数对照型号 AX-65 HS-2  VHS-4  VHS-6  VHS-250   抽速空气,L/s  65 160 750  1550  2125   最大前级耐...
最新新闻 / News More>
2025 - 01 - 24
As of the end of 2024, the delivery volume of eastchanging VSM has exceeded 40 sets, and the equipment has been widely used and highly recognized by major universities, research institutes, aerospace, high-tech semiconductors, industrial production and other enterprises, and exported overseas. The vast majority of orders were completed within two months, fully demonstrating the advantages of domestically produced high-end magnetic measurement equipment. Professional engineers provided quick on-site installation, and all indicators met or exceeded user expectations. eastchanging has taken anoth...
2025 - 02 - 05
A new year, a new beginning! At this moment full of hope and opportunity, we celebrate the successful start of construction! On this beautiful day, we thank every employee who works hard and constantly pursues progress. It is your dedication and sweat that have enabled our enterprise to grow and meet new challenges!Here, the company expresses its gratitude to all our new and old customers and friends who have always supported, followed, and understood us! Thanks for having you all along the way! Finally, I wish you all a prosperous start in the the Year of the Loong and a happy family!
2013 - 11 - 29
In order to further expand the market and improve the quick response ability of the business, our company's office in xi 'an was officially established on April 21, 2017. The establishment of xi 'an office is to meet the needs of market development, but also will usher in a new starting point for the development of the company.Xi 'an office will follow the high starting point, high goal, high quality brand strategy, in the spirit of doing the best persistent attitude, to create a brand with superior quality, to win the credibility of sincere service, to scientific and technolog...
2019 - 04 - 25
Our company participated in the electromagnetic hoisting project of lanzhou near object institute (hoisting power supply part), which lasted for 2 years. After a long time of communication and discussion, on-site investigation, and several revisions, it passed the acceptance inspection in lanzhou on July 13, 2017.Institute of modern physics, Chinese academy of sciences (lanzhou), founded in 1957, is a base-type institute mainly engaged in the research of heavy ion physics foundation and heavy ion beam application, and the corresponding development of advanced particle accelerator and nuclear t...
2013 - 11 - 29
Our company has successively obtained several orders of liquid helium-free vector superconducting magnets such as Shanghai light source, lanzhou university, tsinghua university, fudan university, dalian university of technology, institute of physics of Chinese academy of sciences, hangzhou university of electronic science and technology.Typical magnetic field strength: 9T(Z) -2t (X) -2t (Y)Variable temperature range: Pulse tube or GM refrigerator coolingSample cavities with apertures of 30mm or 50mm or larger are availableCan produce 2 t range for 360 ° rotating magnetic fieldScalable VSM...
2019 - 04 - 25
On the occasion of spring and winter, our company (Beijing Oriental morning view technology co., LTD.Although the international trade is cold winter, is the difficulty, but for the Chinese manufacture is the early spring, is the opportunity. And technological innovation is the greatest reliance on this jedi counter-offensive.As a scientific and technological enterprise deeply rooted in the field of electromagnetic and low-temperature scientific research instruments for 20 years, we Oriental morning view, adhering to the concept of focusing on creating a professional, shouldering a responsibili...

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Address: 8B, Block A, Yard 6, Longxiang Plate Making Industrial Park, Huilongguan, Changping District, Beijing           TEL: 86-10-51668833 
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