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8B, Block A, Yard 6, Longxiang Plate Making Industrial Park, Huilongguan, Changping District

时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
The TC290 temperature controller, based on the previous generation TC280 series, adopts various advanced technologies and is further upgraded and optimized. It has extremely high resolution, accuracy, and stability, and is at the forefront of the industry. It can support resistance sensors with diodes, thermocouples, platinum resistors, and negative temperature coefficients, and can connect up to ten temperature sensors to achieve the experimental purpose of multi-point testing. Simultaneously e...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
TM290 has 8 channels of input and supports almost all diode and resistance temperature sensors. TM290 can simultaneously display the Kelvin (K), Celsius (℃), voltage (V), or resistance (Ω) of eight channels on the screen. The input terminals of TM290 are designed according to the requirements of low-temperature testing, but its low noise, high resolution, and large range make it suitable for testing in other temperature zones. TM290 has two types of computer interfaces for system integration and...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
TC280型控温仪采用多种先进技术,有着卓越的温度测量和控制性能,对温度的测量和控制的分辨率、准确度和稳定性能低至100mK。温度测量分辨率、准确度、稳定度业界领先。TC280型控温仪可以连接二极管、电阻、电容和热电偶等类型的温度传感器。通过扩展卡可以最多连接10路传感器。TC280型控温仪提供两路PID型温度控制,最大输出功率可达100W。用户可以手工设置PID值,或设置成自动调整(Auto turning)模式,TC280可使调整过程自动化,大大增强了TC280的适用性,用户无需太多的温度控制经验,即可通过TC280实现低温或高温系统的精确温度控制。   性能和特点Ø 配用适当的负温度系数电阻型温度传感器可用于0.1K量级的温度测控;Ø 标配两个传感器输入通道,通过扩展卡可以扩展到10个输入;Ø 支持的传感器类型包括二极管、电阻、电容和热电偶;Ø 传感器激励电流反向可以消除热电势引起的偏差;Ø 两个温度控制环路,第一环路为100W,第二环路1W;...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
典型阻值:T(K) R(Ω) dR/dT(Ω/K) 1.2K 2.3674 0.2802 4.2K 3.1602 0.2319 20K 5.251 0.0771 77K 11.898 0.1802 150K 26.308 0.1986K 273K 50 0.1907                标定范围及精度:型号 标定范围 精度 RF-50-BC-1.2L 1.2K~300K 0.1K RF50-SQ-1.2L 1.2K~300K 0.1K 温度计精度=(校准不确定度2 + 重复性2)0.5 物理特性: 尺寸 质量 引线 内部形态 材料 RF50-BC φ2.2mm*20mm 500mg 2.Platinum 固态 铑铁合金线,陶瓷封装,氧化铝外壳 订购信息型号释义:    RF:Rhodium-Iron 50:50Ω@ 273.15K...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
DT64系列硅二极管温度计选用了适用于低温温度测量的特制硅二极管。相比普通硅二极管,DT64系列硅二极管有重复性好、离散性小、低温下阻值随温度变化相对高而易于测量等特点。所有DT64系列硅二极管温度计都较好地遵循一条电压-温度(V-T)曲线,因而具有更好的可互换性。特点 激励电流小,因而具有很小的自热效应; 符合标准曲线,具有良好的互换性; 多种封装,不易损坏、耐温度冲击、易于安装参数引线长度:1 米、四线制; 引线材质: 四色磷青铜低温导线; 标准曲线:DT64标准曲线; 温度范围:4K~325K; 推荐激励电流:10µA ±0.1%; 最大反向电压:75V; 损坏前最大电流:长时间100mA或瞬间500mA; 推荐激励下的耗散:20µW@4.2K;  10µW@77K;  6µW@300K; 辐射影响:只推荐在低辐射场合下使用; 磁场影响:不推荐在磁场环境下使用; 重复性:±10mK@77K(通过100次300K到77K的热冲击测试而来)。 封装形式: 订购信息温度范围及精...
产品名称: RF50铑铁温度计
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
特点激励电流小,因而具有很小的自热效应; 符合标准曲线,具有良好的互换性; 多种封装,不易损坏、耐温度冲击、易于安装参数引线长度:1 米、四线制; 引线材质: 四色磷青铜低温导线; 标准曲线:DT64标准曲线; 温度范围:4K~325K; 推荐激励电流:10µA ±0.1%; 最大反向电压:75V; 损坏前最大电流:长时间100mA或瞬间500mA; 推荐激励下的耗散:20µW@4.2K;  10µW@77K;  6µW@300K; 辐射影响:只推荐在低辐射场合下使用; 磁场影响:不推荐在磁场环境下使用; 重复性:±10mK@77K(通过100次300K到77K的热冲击测试而来)。 封装形式: 订购信息温度范围及精度:标定范围 温度范围 标定范围 精度 4L 3K~325K 3K~325K ±0.1K 65L 65K~325K 65K~325K ±0.1K 温度计精度=(校准不确定度2 + 重复性2)0.5 型号释义:DT:Di...
产品名称: 脉冲管制冷机
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
日本住友提供的两级脉冲管制冷机被广泛应用于低温恒温器、超导磁体系统中技术参数   SRP-062B              SRP-082B          SRP-182B2S 二级冷头制冷功率 0.5W@4.2K 1W@4.2K 1.5W@4.2K 一级冷头制冷功率 30W@65K 40W@45K 36W@48K 最低温度 <3K <3K <2.8K 降温时间(至4.2K) 100分钟 80分钟 60分钟 冷头重量 23.2kg 26kg 28kg 氦气压缩机型号                F50                F70            &#...
产品名称: 液氦液面计
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
产品名称: 低温测量附件
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
各种恒温器样品台(镀金)      多种低温胶、低温脂、低温环氧、铟丝、加热器、低温引线等          Vanish低温胶阿皮松脂加热器铜康铜热电偶其他低温附件环氧树脂 EP/ARALDITE 普通的环氧树脂, 每盒7.2盎司 EP/VER-DER 聚酰胺/DER冷窗环氧树脂, 六个 (6) 每包12.5g EP/STYCAST Stycast 2850FT导热环氧树脂, 六个(6) 每包 10g EP/STYCAST-HT Stycast 2762 高温环氧树脂(500 K), 六个(6) 每包 10g EP/12-MIN 绕线用的快干环氧树脂, 六个(6)每包 6g EDW3 低温环氧胶(50g) 低温胶 ES-2.5 低温胶 VGE-7031 低温胶 JS6 可溶低温胶 T3M072 低温胶带 油脂...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
美国Cryofab进口CMSH系列液氦杜瓦:      我公司代理美国Cryofab公司生产的各种低温储罐、低温传输线、真空套管/软管、双壁真空容器、小型低温容器等低温设备,也可按照用户的需求量身定制。      CMSH系列液氦杜瓦用来存储、运输和分配液氦,它采用先进的绝热技术和超绝热材料,无需液氮预冷,使液氦的损耗降到最低。采用304SS不锈钢全焊接结构,重量轻且结实耐用,免维护使用方便。标准型号及主要参数:液氦杜瓦型号 净容量 日蒸发率 总高 直径 空重 输液管接口 CMSH 30 30升 2.75% 1221mm 509mm 59kg 9.5 / 12.7mm CMSH 60 60升 1.5% 1298mm 611mm 87kg 9.5 / 12.7mm CMSH 100 100升 1% 1501mm 611mm 95kg 9.5 / 12.7mm CMSH 150 150升 1.2% 1527mm 713mm 125kg 9.5 / 12.7mm CMSH 200 2...
最新新闻 / News More>
2013 - 11 - 29
In order to further expand the market and improve the quick response ability of the business, our company's office in xi 'an was officially established on April 21, 2017. The establishment of xi 'an office is to meet the needs of market development, but also will usher in a new starting point for the development of the company.Xi 'an office will follow the high starting point, high goal, high quality brand strategy, in the spirit of doing the best persistent attitude, to create a brand with superior quality, to win the credibility of sincere service, to scientific and technolog...
2019 - 04 - 25
Our company participated in the electromagnetic hoisting project of lanzhou near object institute (hoisting power supply part), which lasted for 2 years. After a long time of communication and discussion, on-site investigation, and several revisions, it passed the acceptance inspection in lanzhou on July 13, 2017.Institute of modern physics, Chinese academy of sciences (lanzhou), founded in 1957, is a base-type institute mainly engaged in the research of heavy ion physics foundation and heavy ion beam application, and the corresponding development of advanced particle accelerator and nuclear t...
2013 - 11 - 29
Our company has successively obtained several orders of liquid helium-free vector superconducting magnets such as Shanghai light source, lanzhou university, tsinghua university, fudan university, dalian university of technology, institute of physics of Chinese academy of sciences, hangzhou university of electronic science and technology.Typical magnetic field strength: 9T(Z) -2t (X) -2t (Y)Variable temperature range: Pulse tube or GM refrigerator coolingSample cavities with apertures of 30mm or 50mm or larger are availableCan produce 2 t range for 360 ° rotating magnetic fieldScalable VSM...
2019 - 04 - 25
On the occasion of spring and winter, our company (Beijing Oriental morning view technology co., LTD.Although the international trade is cold winter, is the difficulty, but for the Chinese manufacture is the early spring, is the opportunity. And technological innovation is the greatest reliance on this jedi counter-offensive.As a scientific and technological enterprise deeply rooted in the field of electromagnetic and low-temperature scientific research instruments for 20 years, we Oriental morning view, adhering to the concept of focusing on creating a professional, shouldering a responsibili...
2013 - 12 - 11
On April 1, 2016, the long-planned Shanghai office of Oriental morning view was officially opened at jinyu road, pudong new area, Shanghai.With the rapid growth of Oriental morning scenery business, Oriental morning scenery in central China's increasingly prominent product advantage, competitive advantage, in order to better service in central China customer, expand product influence and market accounts for the rate, in order to improve the quick reaction capability of the business, also in April 1, 2016 formally established the 'Oriental morning scenery Shanghai office'.Oriental m...
2013 - 12 - 11
Congratulations to my company with excellent enterprise qualifications, scientific and technological research and development strength and other conditions, in 2014, zhongguancun high-tech enterprise certificate. Zhongguancun national independent innovation demonstration zone is an influential science and technology innovation center in China. Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise qualification is the recognition of Oriental morning view technology research and development strength. So far, Oriental morning view technology has obtained a number of intellectual property rights protection, covering ...

We will contact you as soon as possible!

Address: 8B, Block A, Yard 6, Longxiang Plate Making Industrial Park, Huilongguan, Changping District, Beijing           TEL: 86-10-51668833 
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