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Building 11, Phase 3, Liandong U Valley, No. 7 tonglian Road, Jiangning District

时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
Cryogenic supplies dozens of liquid helium superconducting magnets to Unisoku in Japan every year, and each unit is equipped with a liquid helium level meter and probe, Cryogenic's liquid helium level meters are superior in performance and reliable in quality! We welcome inquiries from new and existing customers!
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
FVM400矢量磁通门计是精度的测量磁场矢量的仪器。它小巧的尺寸、便携的设计使它成为现场和实验室的理想选择。高分辨率五位的数字显示使它在100,000nT磁场的时候分辨率能够达到1nT,因此它能够测量大磁场的细微变化,比如地磁场。两种坐标表示       使用者可以选择直角坐标或者极坐标显示磁场的分量。在测量磁场大小和方向的时候极坐标有独特的便利性,它不需要人工的计算就能得到想要的数据。 单位可选       使用者可以选择显示的单位:nT、μT或者mG,而不需要记住这些单位之间的换算系数。 相对显示模式       想对测量模式能够测量磁场和初始值之间的变化,一个简单的REL按键可以清空当前的显示的值,然后显示和原磁场之间的差值。直到再次按REL键。 多路模拟输出       通过一个8芯的微DIN联接器,原始的模拟磁强计信号和处理过的信号一样可以用来记录或进一步的处理。 远程控制      &#...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
Various thermostat sample stations (gold-plated)      Various kinds of low-temperature adhesive, low-temperature grease, low-temperature epoxy, indium wire, heater, low-temperature lead, etc.          Vanish Low Temperature GumApigeninHeaterCopperConstantan ThermocoupleOther cryogenic accessoriesEpoxy Resin EP/ARALDITE Regular epoxy, 7.2 ounces per box EP/VER-DER Polyamide/DER Cold Window Epoxy, Six (6) 12....
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
便携式电池供电磁力计μMag系列磁通门计是精确测量微弱的静态和低频矢量磁场的手持式仪器。和普通霍尔效应高斯计或者磁电阻效应测磁场的仪器相比,μMag具有高稳定性、高线性、高灵敏度以及高精度和精确度等特点。它是对低磁场进行高质量测量的唯一选择。μMag系列磁通门计主要由主机、探头以及连接电缆构成。探头有横向和纵向之分。横向探头测量通过这个探头的宽度方向的矢量分量;纵向探头测量磁场沿着探头长度方向的矢量分量。仪器主要型号有四种, 即μMag-01、μMag-02以及μMag-01N和μMag-02N。-N型包括可抵消环境磁场的功能, 方便测量。 主要特点                                          1nT分辨率0.5%基本精度,符合NITS  三量程范围(±2000mGs、±200mGs、±20m...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
Cryofab USA imported CMSH series liquid helium dewar:    Our company is the agent of various cryogenic equipment such as cryogenic storage tanks, cryogenic transfer lines, vacuum casing/hoses, double-wall vacuum vessels, small cryogenic vessels, etc., which are manufactured by Cryofab, USA, and can also be customized according to user's needs.      CMSH series liquid helium dewars are used for storing, transporting and distributing liquid helium. It adopts advanced i...
产品名称: 核磁共振高斯计
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
PT2025核磁共振高斯计测量范围超过13特斯拉,绝对精度5 ppm,同时不受温度或老化引起自由漂移影响,使PT2025核磁共振高斯计成为磁强计的黄金标准。    PT2025核磁共振高斯计拥有超过1700次 Metrolab精密特斯拉计的装运量,核磁共振磁强计已经成为世界各地的物理学家,工程师和技术人员日常的工具。 最常见的应用包括科研,磁铁制造和测试,标准和校准。有些生产加速器和光谱的制造商已经把PT2025核磁共振高斯计应用到了他们的产品中。 简单的高科技产品(核磁共振高斯计)     PT2025核磁共振高斯计拥有电子设备的工业特性和清晰排布的前面板,使核磁共振磁强计能够很容易的被任何技术人员使用。 大而明亮的场强显示,即使在房间的另一边都能看到。当仪器共振锁定时,绿色的Lock指示灯可以清楚地显示。    磁场扫描通过手动或自动。 探头选择开关直接控制一个可选的多路转换器和一个指示灯面板,显示目前选择的探测范围。        背面板装备电源连接器,一个探头或可选的多...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
RMT300-1000型标准磁体用标准磁体可对高斯计的探头进行校准。Magnetic Instrumentation公司的标准磁体采用高性能的永磁材料制造,多年来在国际市场上一直享有盛誉。这些高品质的产品具有长期的稳定性,而且提供横向和轴向两类的标准磁体。此外,16580型零高斯腔可以提供一个标准的零磁场。横向的标准磁体可以稳定的使用在0-50℃之间,温度系数为-0.02%/℃,因为温度系数为负数,所以当温度上升的时候,磁场强度下降。标准磁体的外壳具有高磁导率,它能有效的防护外界磁场。  LakeShore提供的标准磁体从100高斯到20,000高斯,其中用的最多的是1,000高斯。大多数标准磁体的精确度为±0.5%,200高斯以下的标准磁体精度为±1%。标准磁体的间隙为0.15cm,当然也可以做到0.1cm到0.64cm,最稳定的空隙面积大约在0.5平方英寸。轴向标准磁体采用铝镍钴合金制成,用以保证它的稳定度和饱和度,它的温度系数与横向标准磁体的相同。当高斯计或磁通计的探头插入标准磁体的孔径的时候,可以测出3个最大值,一是探头将要进入磁体时,二是探头到达中心时,三...
产品名称: 磁通门计
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
磁通门计是一种结构结实、精确度高、灵敏度高的便携式磁场测试仪器,可以满足用户监视快速移动的磁场和测量电线周围的磁场。磁通门计的高稳定性、高线性度和高精度性,使其成为测量高精度弱磁场的最优选择。与磁通门计配合使用的传感器分为:横向传感器和轴向传感器磁通门计是一种结构结实、精确度高、灵敏度高的便携式磁场测试仪器,可以满足用户监视快速移动的磁场和测量电线周围的磁场。磁通门计的高稳定性、高线性度和高精度性,使其成为测量高精度弱磁场的最优选择。磁通门计的主要应用:l  测量环境磁场l  监视空运包裹l  校准实验室磁场源,如:亥母霍兹线圈、螺线管等 l  检测岩石中的弱磁场l  测量地球矢量磁场l  检测磁场屏蔽的衰减特征l  评估磁屏蔽间的效果地磁环境磁场等专用测量仪器 型号 频率应用 供应商 量程 精度 最小分辨率 通讯接口 产品特点 DC AC FVM400手持式三轴磁通门计 DC-10HZ 美国MEDA 1nT-1G 0.5% 0.5% 1nT RS232 分辨率和精度极高,地磁...
时间: 2024 - 10 - 29
Main parameters:Maximum magnetic field measurement range: ± 30TSensitivity: 200V/A.THall voltage linearity: 1% @ 4K @ ± 1TInternal resistance: 5k ΩExcitation current: 10nA-5mAWorking temperature: 10mk~350K
最新新闻 / News More>
2013 - 12 - 11
On April 1, 2016, the long-planned Shanghai office of Oriental morning view was officially opened at jinyu road, pudong new area, Shanghai.With the rapid growth of Oriental morning scenery business, Oriental morning scenery in central China's increasingly prominent product advantage, competitive advantage, in order to better service in central China customer, expand product influence and market accounts for the rate, in order to improve the quick reaction capability of the business, also in April 1, 2016 formally established the 'Oriental morning scenery Shanghai office'.Oriental m...
2013 - 12 - 11
Congratulations to my company with excellent enterprise qualifications, scientific and technological research and development strength and other conditions, in 2014, zhongguancun high-tech enterprise certificate. Zhongguancun national independent innovation demonstration zone is an influential science and technology innovation center in China. Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise qualification is the recognition of Oriental morning view technology research and development strength. So far, Oriental morning view technology has obtained a number of intellectual property rights protection, covering ...
2013 - 12 - 11
Congratulations to our newly developed three-dimensional magnetic field probe, which successfully realizes the vector magnetic field in any direction of space and the two-dimensional movement in the horizontal direction and the 360-degree rotation of the sample table. The 3d magnetic field probe station is matched with the high-precision bipolar power supply independently developed by dongfang morning view, and the vector situation in any direction of space is realized through the output of the real bipolar power supply.Welcome to call 010-51668833.
2013 - 12 - 11
Congratulations to our self-developed high-precision constant current power supply, the stability is better than 3ppm/30min and 4ppm/3h, which is another new breakthrough of our power supply products.
2013 - 12 - 11
Dongfang morning scene successfully developed liquid nitrogen probe station. The lnps-80 liquid nitrogen probe can be used for non-destructive testing of the device, and the maximum size of the device can reach 80mm. It can measure the electrical and photoelectric properties of materials or devices, and provide a low-temperature testing platform for DC measurement, RF measurement and microwave characteristic measurement.The sample table is equipped with a temperature sensor and a heater to realize rapid temperature change and precise temperature control. In order to improve the practicability ...

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Address: 8B, Block A, Yard 6, Longxiang Plate Making Industrial Park, Huilongguan, Changping District, Beijing           TEL: 86-10-51668833 
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