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Building 11, Phase 3, Liandong U Valley, No. 7 tonglian Road, Jiangning District

时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
TM290 has 8 channels of input and supports almost all diode and resistance temperature sensors. TM290 can simultaneously display the Kelvin (K), Celsius (℃), voltage (V), or resistance (Ω) of eight channels on the screen. The input terminals of TM290 are designed according to the requirements of low-temperature testing, but its low noise, high resolution, and large range make it suitable for testing in other temperature zones. TM290 has two types of computer interfaces for system integration and...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
综述Cryogenic公司的SMS系列超导磁体电源系列提供多种输出电流和驱动电压选项。所有的型号都是基于相同的基本设计,这种设计是专门为超导磁体供能而构思的。双重稳定型模拟控制回路的频率响应,运行在电压控制模式或者电流控制模式,能在确保稳定性的基础上进行调整并适应,哪怕是在驱动一个纯电感负载的时候。开关模式的供电设备和模拟输出级都是风冷的,SMS10C是使用一个不需要风扇冷却的线性供电设备。电源由一个精密的微处理器单元组成,通过内部固件控制所有的运行状态,这为响应特殊要求和高端“智能”控制演化提供了极大的灵活性。特点标准的电源有一个全16位的设定和分流电压读数,这能通过USB连接到外部电脑上进行设置和读取。失超检测是电源的固件组成部分。对于要求更高电流设置分辨率的用户,Cryogenic公司能提供20位的高分辨率和高稳定性电源。标准电源具有以下设计特点:Ø 前面板按键操作使用方便,全40位字母文字数字式的真空荧光显示Ø 标准16bit分辨率(1.8mA),20bit分辨率(0.1mA)Ø 允许计算机控制或数据记录的光隔离接口Ø 标准USB接口,可...
产品名称: 瓦里安检漏仪
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
瓦里安公司有多款检漏仪供用户选择,主要有VS系列,947/948台式检漏仪,959型手动携式检漏仪,979型便携式检漏仪,990系统集成式检漏仪,PHD-4便携式检漏仪,Helitest吸枪专用便携式检漏仪。(1)VS 系列全自动氦质谱检漏仪VS系列全自动氦质谱检漏仪的显著优点:(1)操作简便:VS系列检漏仪结合简捷的双键操作功能及内置智能化系统为您提供简单但强大的测试性能。(2)功能强大:适用于各种检漏方法,优化设计的质谱室及真空系统功能强大,能适合各种检漏方法的要求,以满足各种各样的检漏应用。(3)配置齐全:多种系统配置,多种可选件,可以灵活地组成各种各样的系统配置。(4)坚固耐用:在坚固耐用方面的革新设计,使得VS系列检漏仪能适应各种恶劣的工业环境。VS 系列主要技术参数配有不同的前级泵的检漏仪型号  PR02 便携式 DS-42 油泵内置  MR15 可移动式 DS-302 油泵外置式  MD30 可移动式 TS-620 干式外置式  BR15 台式固定 DS-302 油泵外置式 ...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
TC202 is a classic temperature controller, which supports resistance thermometers such as platinum resistance and rhodium-iron, and can realize heating control of up to 50W within the temperature range of 1.4K~450K. TC202 has a serial port, which can be used to communicate with a computer, and can be used in conjunction with eastchanging's Liquid Nitrogen Thermostat to stably generate any temperature between 80~300K, with an error of ±0.1K or less. ±TC202 is a complete function, ea...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
DTM-151数字式特斯拉计具有极高的精度和分辨率。 主要特征 高精度,全温度段温度补偿  分辨率1/600,000  4档量程  最大测量磁场达3T  7位数字显示  可选择RS232或IEEE488/GPIB通信接口  使用LPT-141或MPT-141探头时的精度是:测量读数×0.01%+量程档×0.006%。  主机和探头工作温度范围:0-50°C Group3的探头的特征信息存储在探头内部,因此Group3的高斯计探头可以用在任何一款DTM系列高斯计上。然而如果DTM-151高斯计要获得最高的精度应该使用带温度补偿的探头。  前面板上有两个功能选择按钮,可选择的功能有磁场测试值、磁场峰值、交变磁场值、探头温度值。  多台高斯计 (最多至31 台) 通过串口通讯能够组成一个本地通讯网, 他们都能够通过控制计算机的一个串口传递数据. 整个系统可...
产品名称: 扩散泵
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
油扩散泵是获得高真空的主要设备,被广泛用于真空冶炼、真空镀膜、原子能、空间模拟试验和对油污染不敏感的真空系统中。Varian公司作为全世界范围内领先的扩散泵供应商,为客户提供口径从2英寸到35英寸范围内各种扩散泵,是美国唯一的一个全系列的扩散泵供应商。产品具有大抽速,高排气量等特点。 适用于真空度在10-1~10-8mbar之间。特点:Ø    大抽速、大抽气量Ø    抗辐射、抗氧化、快速循环.抗爆炸.Ø    高前级耐压Ø    高极限真空度Ø    返油量极低Ø    超常的使用寿命扩散泵(AX,HS,VHS,NHS型号)参数对照型号 AX-65 HS-2  VHS-4  VHS-6  VHS-250   抽速空气,L/s  65 160 750  1550  2125   最大前级耐...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
Typical resistance values:T(K) R(Ω) dR/dT(Ω/K) 1.2K 2.3674 0.2802 4.2K 3.1602 0.2319 20K 5.251 0.0771 77K 11.898 0.1802 150K 26.308 0.1986K 273K 50 0.1907                Calibration range and accuracy: Model Calibration Range AccuracyModel Calibration Range Accuracy RF-50-BC-1.2L 1.2K~300K 0.1K RF50-SQ-1.2L 1.2K~300K 0.1K Thermometer Accuracy = (Calibration Uncertainty2 + Repeatability2) 0.5 Physical C...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
DTM-151数字式特斯拉计具有极高的精度和分辨率。 主要特征 高精度,全温度段温度补偿  分辨率1/600,000  4档量程  最大测量磁场达3T  7位数字显示  可选择RS232或IEEE488/GPIB通信接口  使用LPT-141或MPT-141探头时的精度是:测量读数×0.01%+量程档×0.006%。  主机和探头工作温度范围:0-50°C Group3的探头的特征信息存储在探头内部,因此Group3的高斯计探头可以用在任何一款DTM系列高斯计上。然而如果DTM-151高斯计要获得最高的精度应该使用带温度补偿的探头。  前面板上有两个功能选择按钮,可选择的功能有磁场测试值、磁场峰值、交变磁场值、探头温度值。  多台高斯计 (最多至31 台) 通过串口通讯能够组成一个本地通讯网, 他们都能够通过控制计算机的一个串口传递数据. 整个系统可...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
The DT64 series of silicon diode thermometers utilize specially designed silicon diodes suitable for low-temperature temperature measurements. Compared to ordinary silicon diodes, the DT64 series silicon diodes are characterized by good repeatability, low dispersion, and easy measurement at low temperatures due to the relatively high temperature dependence of the resistance value. All DT64 series silicon diode thermometers follow a voltage-temperature (V-T) curve better, resulting in better inte...
产品名称: 5100系列高斯计
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
F.W.BELL公司是世界上最著名的生产高斯计/特斯拉计,霍尔电流传感器的专业生产厂商,具有五十多年的生产经验,产品具有极好的品质。公司严格执行ISO9001的生产标准,生产的十多种产品不但有极高的性能价格比,而且有完善的售后服务保证。有的产品十多年前随生产线配套进入中国,至今仍然可靠使用。2004年, F.W.BELL公司在世界上高斯计的市场占有率为46%。    5100系列手持式高斯计替代了以前的5000系列手持式高斯计。5100系列手持式高斯计是基于霍尔效应的磁场强度测量仪表的最新进展,是目前唯一采用DSP设计的手持式高斯计。最大量程0-30KG,最小基本误差1%。特点包括自动零点,自动量程,极大值/极小值/最大值保持,相对模式等。所有的型号均可以选择高斯或特斯拉读数。5180带模拟输出(±3V)及USB通信接口。所有型号均按ISO9001标准生产,并通过CE认证。5100系列高斯计特性·       数据记录功能 ·       唯一采用DSP设计...
产品名称: Pulse tube coolers
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
Sumitomo's two-stage pulse tube chillers are widely used in cryostats and superconducting magnet systems.Technical Parameters SRP-062B SRP-082B SRP-182B2S Cooling power of two-stage cold head 0.5W@4.2K 1W@4.2K 1.5W@4.2K Cooling power of the first-stage cold head 30W@65K 40W@45K 36W@48K Minimum temperatureCooling time (to 4.2K) 100 minutes 80 minutes 60 minutes Cold head weight 23.2kg 26kg 28kg Helium compressor model F50 F70 F100 Compressor power 6.5-7.2kw 6.6-6...
时间: 2019 - 05 - 05
Group3高斯计/特斯拉计优点:1. 高精度2. 高分辨率3. 小尺寸探头4. 可覆盖全量程的探头5. 抗干扰6. 可更换探头    Group3高斯计/特斯拉计是精度最高的霍尔效应的磁场测试仪器,同价位仪器中没有可与之相比的精度。Group3特有的线性和温度补偿技术克服了霍尔元件固有的缺陷。Group3的每一个探头都是独特的,其校准系数数据由计算机计算后存储在探头自带芯片中。先进的算法确保了特斯拉计的测量准确性。    没有其他磁场测试仪器的温度稳定性可以达到DTM-151(LPT-141)特斯拉的10ppm/℃,一般情况都达不到一半。    探头中极小的霍尔片非常适合测绘磁场。Group3高斯计/特斯拉计最特别的优势是测量不均匀区域的磁场,测试时探头移到需要测试区域即可,也适合测量交变磁场。Group3的高精度的高斯计/特斯拉计与核磁共振有相近的分辨率和应用,但是费用却远低于核磁共振测试系统。    由于探头的特征信息数据保存在探头内部芯片上使得任一探头可以与任一主机相适配,并保证了测试精度和准确度。...
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2013 - 12 - 11
On April 1, 2016, the long-planned Shanghai office of Oriental morning view was officially opened at jinyu road, pudong new area, Shanghai.With the rapid growth of Oriental morning scenery business, Oriental morning scenery in central China's increasingly prominent product advantage, competitive advantage, in order to better service in central China customer, expand product influence and market accounts for the rate, in order to improve the quick reaction capability of the business, also in April 1, 2016 formally established the 'Oriental morning scenery Shanghai office'.Oriental m...
2013 - 12 - 11
Congratulations to my company with excellent enterprise qualifications, scientific and technological research and development strength and other conditions, in 2014, zhongguancun high-tech enterprise certificate. Zhongguancun national independent innovation demonstration zone is an influential science and technology innovation center in China. Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise qualification is the recognition of Oriental morning view technology research and development strength. So far, Oriental morning view technology has obtained a number of intellectual property rights protection, covering ...
2013 - 12 - 11
Congratulations to our newly developed three-dimensional magnetic field probe, which successfully realizes the vector magnetic field in any direction of space and the two-dimensional movement in the horizontal direction and the 360-degree rotation of the sample table. The 3d magnetic field probe station is matched with the high-precision bipolar power supply independently developed by dongfang morning view, and the vector situation in any direction of space is realized through the output of the real bipolar power supply.Welcome to call 010-51668833.
2013 - 12 - 11
Congratulations to our self-developed high-precision constant current power supply, the stability is better than 3ppm/30min and 4ppm/3h, which is another new breakthrough of our power supply products.
2013 - 12 - 11
Dongfang morning scene successfully developed liquid nitrogen probe station. The lnps-80 liquid nitrogen probe can be used for non-destructive testing of the device, and the maximum size of the device can reach 80mm. It can measure the electrical and photoelectric properties of materials or devices, and provide a low-temperature testing platform for DC measurement, RF measurement and microwave characteristic measurement.The sample table is equipped with a temperature sensor and a heater to realize rapid temperature change and precise temperature control. In order to improve the practicability ...

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Address: 8B, Block A, Yard 6, Longxiang Plate Making Industrial Park, Huilongguan, Changping District, Beijing           TEL: 86-10-51668833 
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